Friday, March 24, 2006

Photo Friday: Smooth

This is Shadow, our Russian Blue cat. His fur is so soft and smooth. We tell people he is as soft as bunny fur. He makes other cats feel rough.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Orange Blossom and Bee

It is orange blossom time in Florida. They smell so sweet. My neighbor has four citrus trees and when I go outside I can smell the sweet smell. The bees also can smell them. I thought this was a good picture of the bee going after the orange nectar.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Photo Friday: Technology

I guess I don't take many pictures of technology, but I found this Dale Earnhardt race car that I saw at the fair. They are always working on the technology of racing to make the cars go faster and safer.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Photo Friday: Red

My Christmas cactus was a little late this year. I had a few pretty red blossoms in January.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


My son loves Hummers and always points them out to us while driving in traffic. He was so excited to see that the Forestry Department uses one too.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Photo Friday: Feminine

This is Sunny our 8 year old female cockatiel. For the first 6 years of her life we thought Sunny was a male and then she LAID AN EGG! We realized that Sunny was feminine, not masculine. LOL

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Here is another plant with flowers in my yard. My petunias from the last post are starting to flower with a lot more buds. A few of them got smashed down with a basketball, but I think they will survive. The boys on my street like to play ball in the street. The petunias are planted near the curb.